Summit station of the Flying Mozart cable car in Wagrain during winter

Contact & directions to the Appartments Schattauer in Wagrain

Where good panning and service meet

We want to make it as easy for you as possible to reach us. Below, you find all the possible ways to contact us, whether you prefer email, telephone or fax, as well as how to reach us, whether you are travelling by car, train or plane. In addition, we provide helpful tips and links to make sure that your journey to Wagrain is as relaxed as possible.

Contact & directions

Apartments Schattauer
Markt 164
5602 Wagrain

Getting to Wagrain by train

By train

The nearest express train stations are Radstadt and St Johann im Pongau.

From there, you can take a bus or taxi to Wagrain.

Getting to Wagrain by train

Getting to Wagrain by car

By car

  • Take the A10 motorway (Tauernautobahn) to Flachau (exit 66), then follow the signs for road B163
  • At both the first and second roundabout, take the second exit, towards St Johann i.Pg. / Wagrain / Reitdorf
  • Appartments Schattauer: turn right at the main crossing of Wagrain (where the church is), then take the next right and continue for about 190 m
Getting to Wagrain by car

Getting to Wagrain by plane

By plane

  • The nearest airport is Salzburg (70 km).
  • Munich Airport is about 213 km away.
  • From either airport, you can either travel by public transport or by taxi.
  • We recommend Habersatter Reisen, a taxi company offering very affordable transfers from Salzburg Airport.
Getting to Wagrain by plane

Additional information about how to reach us

Our GPS coordinates:
Appartements Schattauer: Latitude: 47.334802 | Longitude: 13.296053

In some cases, additional tunnel or toll fees may apply (see Tauerntunnel).
In Austria, it is obligatory to carry safety vests for each passenger in the car! All Austrian highways are subject to tolls. Vignettes are available at rest stops and petrol stations.
As a rule, all roads to Wagrain are cleared in winter. Nevertheless, there may be disruptions in the event of heavy snowfall.

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